Book Review: Spare by Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex

Spare by Prince Harry of Wales is written in a three-act structure—his childhood, his military experience, and his relationship with Meghan. The nearly sixteen-hour delivery of the memoir is read in the Duke of Sussex's own voice. It explores the collision between royal reality and royal fantasy through the life of a backup Prince. The book narrates how, at twelve, when Prince Harry learned of the death of his mother, Princess Diana, in a car crash, he believed that she'd gone into hiding from the Press to make a fresh start, and she would soon send for him. He and his brother, Prince William, fourteen at the time, were asked to walk behind their mother's casket, but weren't allowed to cry in public. That, however, paled in comparison to how the ceremony ended for the poor boys, shaking hands and consoling mourners in public. The book stresses how the shock of his mother’s death continued to haunt him for a decade. He remained convinced that she was not dead, despite h...