I disagree With Paulo Coelho On This One

Some mornings, I wake up feeling blue. Sometimes, I don't know why because the night before, I had gone to bed feeling light-hearted. Sometimes, I wonder if it is my hormones. Sometimes, I wonder if it is normal to feel melancholy. This morning is a perfect example. I went to bed feeling cheerful at 2 am but woke up cheerless at 6 am. While looking through friends status on WhatsApp, I discovered a tweet by Paulo Coelho. I admire his quotes most of the time, but this one left me feeling sadder than I had woken up. I disagree with what he has written. The problem with his tweet is that he said 'all' and not 'certain'. He first tweeted the quote in 2014 and then he repeated it in 2016. I would have loved to have a conversation with him. I would love to tell him that when one is struggling with loss and grief, for example, it has nothing to do with 'living to please others'. The stress, anxiety and depression that overwhelm me now and then are caused every ti...